Real Life Runners with Angie and Kevin Brown
Angie and Kevin Brown are here to help real life runners to improve their running and their life through conversations about training, mindset, nutrition, health and wellness, family, and all the crazy things that life throws at us. The lessons that we learn from running can carry over into all aspects of our life, and we are here to explore those connections through current research, our experiences, and stories from real people out on the roads and trails, so that you can become a physically and mentally stronger runner and achieve the goals that matter to you. We are Kevin and Angie Brown, husband and wife, mom and dad, coaches, and runners. Angie holds her doctorate degree in physical therapy and uses running as part of her integrated fitness routine. Kevin is a marathoner who has been coaching runners for over a decade. Together, we want to help make running more accessible to more people, so that more people can gain the benefits of being a Real Life Runner.
400: The Power of Plyometrics – How to Run Faster, Stronger, and Injury-Free

399: Stop Procrastination and Get What You Want with Dr. Christine Li

398: The Evolution of Training Plans: Ditching the High Mileage Model

397: The Nervous System & Running Performance – The Missing Link to Stronger, Injury-Free Running

396: The #1 Mindset Shift That Will Transform Your Running After 40

395: The Highs and Lows of 100 Miles - Long Haul 100 Part 2

When Things Don't Go As Planned - Long Haul 100 Part 1

How Do You Prep To Run 100 Miles? Kevin's journey to Long Haul 100

392: Using Mental Skills to Restart a Fitness Journey with Amanda Schaefer

391: 5 Things To Leave in 2024

390: Racing People vs. Racing the Clock

389: The Power of Rest

388: Mantras And The Power of Self Belief with Don Oswalt

387: 5 Tips For Running Through The Holidays

386: Are You Sacrificing the Wrong Things?

385: You Don't Need More Motivation. You Need This.

384: Heavy Lifting for Runners

383: A Powerful Mental Tool for Better Races

382: The Importance of Hip Strength for Runners

381: 5 Reasons Running Is Feeling Harder Than It Used To

380: How to Treat and Prevent Running Cramps

379: Avoid These 3 Training Mistakes in Perimenopause

378: A Powerful Mindset Tool To Achieve Your Goals Faster

377: Does Running Require Voluntary Suffering?