Real Life Runners with Angie and Kevin Brown

Run Like A Woman Challenge - Day 1

Angie Brown

Welcome to Day 1 of the Run Like A Woman challenge!  

So on to Day 1! 


Most people don’t think about how their bodies move until something hurts. 

But WHAT you want your body to do and HOW you do it makes a huge difference in how you feel and what your training needs to look like. 

Movement quality and movement control is the first step you need to decrease pain and start to feel better running. 

It’s something I worked on with every single patient in the clinic, no matter what problem they came in with. 

Today, it's all about MOVING WITH INTENTION. 

You have to prepare your body for WHAT you want it to do before you do it, which is why we need to implement a warmup before every run or workout.

As we get older and our hormones shift, our tissues start to change as well. They are not as flexible, lubricated, and pliable as they once were. 

So if you just head out on a run, you’re putting yourself at a higher risk for pain and injury. 

That’s why your day 1 action item is to add a DYNAMIC WARMUP before every run or workout. 

It doesn’t have to be long or involved, just a few minutes of intentional movement to get your body ready to go.

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Don't forget: The information on this website is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition or to provide medical advice. It is intended for general education in the areas of health and wellness. All information contained in this site is intended to be educational in nature. Nothing should be considered medical advice for your specific situation.

Oh Guys, welcome to the five day running challenge, brand new run like a woman challenge. I freaking love that name. It popped into my head one day and I am just super excited about it because that's what today and really this week is all about. It's teaching you as a woman over 40, I'm guessing all of you that are here with me are around 40 or over 40 in some capacity, or maybe you're just curious and you're in your late 30s and you're like, okay, what am I in for, right? in the next couple of decades of life. And really that's what this challenge is about. This challenge is really to help you understand what is changing in your body and how your training needs to change alongside of it. Okay, because perimenopause is one of those words that has been thrown around a lot lately. If you've had somebody talk, if you've heard people talking about perimenopause lately, right? And I think that it's one of those words that is people don't really understand. They're like, okay, yeah, I'm in perimenopause. And there's a lot of people making content about it, but we don't really understand exactly what it is because we haven't been taught this. Even doctors haven't been taught this. And this is one of the reasons that I am so passionate about this new area of running like for, especially for us as runners. Because there's not a lot of information out there. There's a huge lack of information in general for women. when we look at scientific research and we look at, what are the research studies, what is the evidence showing us about what it's like to be a healthy woman. So when you look at the like wide body of research, most studies are performed on men. And that's because historically. women are a little bit more, a little trickier to study. So they say, because we have hormones and we've got a menstrual cycle and things change throughout the course of our month. So you at the beginning of the month is not the same as you at the end of the month or in the middle of the month because of your hormones and the way that we're cycling them. And so when we look at that research, most of it's done on men. So there's a small percentage done on women. There's an even smaller percentage done on perimenopausal women, even a smaller percentage done on perimenopausal women, and even smaller of an active women in this phase of life. Because a lot of the studies out there are done on sedentary, obese, overweight individuals. And that is not the same, like the information that applies to them is not the same information that is best for us as active women in this next phase of our life. All right, so I would love to know before we jump in I've already started to jump in with a little bit of background info All right. We've got some postmenopausal, perimenopausal. Yeah. All right. So one thing that people don't really understand, I'm almost on the other side of menopause. Cool. Peri, post, peri. so we've got a wide variety. And so understand that like where you are in your menopausal journey is going to affect how your body responds to exercise. So how many of you know what perimenopause even is? Does anybody, we know that it's like the time before menopause, right? that's what we know. But do you understand what's happening in your body during this phase? you, do you feel like you have a clear understanding of what it is? Or like what you're experiencing? Not really? Yes? No? Some idea? what have you noticed in your body? What has started to change for you? Okay. are you noticing more fatigue? Fatigue is like one of the biggest things that I hear from almost every woman I work with. Okay. fatigue, more soreness, achiness, joint pain, muscle pain, brain fog, weight gain, especially around the belly. there's so many symptoms. What have you noticed? Less stamina? So a lot of you are having a lot of the same problems that I see women experiencing all the time. Okay. a lot of problems with a lot more problems with tendons and joint pain, fatigue. Yes. Okay, so do you guys want to know why this is happening? Because, let me tell ya, let me tell ya! Alright, a little bit about me, a little bit of background, I'm not going to talk about me a lot, because this challenge is all about you. But I am, physical therapy, I got my doctorate. And physical therapy 18 years ago, which is insane. I love working with people in the second phase of their life. I've been working as a PT. I've been a runner for over 20 years. I've been a running coach for over 10 years. I also coach a high school cross country team. So I've been in this world for a very long time and I've helped thousands of runners to feel better and run stronger. And during this, with this new kind of rise of menopause and perimenopause and things that I'm starting to see out in the world of social media and out in the fitness world, I really decided to dig deep into the literature because everything that I do, I want to be scientifically based. I want it to be evidence based. Yes. I have a ton of experience working with people, but I also want to try to find the science to, back that up. And like I mentioned before, there's just not a ton of research. For our population. So based on the research that I'm doing, that is what I've used to create this whole week's challenge. And then also my signature program, press play that I'll tell you guys about at the end of the week, if you're interested in getting more help with that. But here's the key. So what a lot of women don't realize is that there's actually two phases to your running life. There's phase one. Which is before menopause and then there is phase two which is after menopause and perimenopause And the way that I want you to think about perimenopause right now for the quote at least for this week is that perimenopause is the transition from phase one into phase two. And what used to work in phase one of our running does not work the same way in phase two. if you think about it, when you were younger, how many, how long have you guys been running? how long have you been a runner? Because if you've been running for 10 years or more, you probably have noticed that What used to work 10 years ago used to be a probably be able to throw on your shoes and head out the door For a run That's not your body doesn't work the same way anymore 10 months one year three years. So those of you that have been running for I let's say like over 10 years You're noticing a difference, right? You're noticing a difference in the way that your body is responding now that you're in perimenopause or postmenopause. Those of you that are newer to running, fantastic, welcome, we're glad you're here. but you might not have experienced some of that yet or before, right? And so you're just starting to experience running as a perimenopausal or as a postmenopausal woman. And that's a beautiful thing. As well. So right now, I'm going to talk a little bit to the people that have been running just a little bit longer because they probably remember what it was like to like, just throw on some shoes and head out the door and go out for a run. They didn't have to worry as much about warming up. They didn't have to worry as much about stretching or strength training or all these things. They just went out and run. They went out and ran. Now, with perimenopause and with what's happening in our bodies with our hormones shifting, we have to be much more intentional. So you guys are going to hear me say that word a lot this week, okay? Everything that we have to do needs to be intentional. I shouldn't say everything, but 80 percent of the time we need to be intentional with what we're doing. Okay, because essentially what's happening in our body, perimenopause is a state It of essentially hormonal chaos in the body. A lot of people think it's oh, estrogen and progesterone are declining. And yes, that is true. Overall, we have estrogen and progesterone. Those are like the two main female hormones, quote unquote, female hormones that cycle every single month when you have a menstrual cycle. Okay. And during your normal menstrual cycle, as we were younger, from the time that we started our menstrual cycle until now, It's a very predictable cycle, right? There's estrogen and progesterone, and at certain points of the month, they, they rise, and then they peak, and then they fall, and then that leads to ovulation, and then that leads to us, actually shedding and having our period, and so it's very predictable curves. You know what's going on until we get to perimenopause. Hormonal chaos is exactly what it is, Stephanie. And so basically what happens is there are some months and you might notice this too, especially as you start getting closer to the age of menopause, where you feel pretty normal, right? Like your hormones are similar to how they have been for the last 30 years. Other times it's like a complete. difference, right? there are some months that you're just completely different. you're noticing way more symptoms, way more fatigue, way more soreness, way more like hot flashes, which hot flashes are one of those funny symptoms. cause people always think oh, it's only menopause or it's only perimenopause if you're having hot flashes or like the loss of your period. Like those are really the only two symptoms that have traditionally been attributed to perimenopause and menopause. But it really is this vast variety of symptoms because what doctors don't tell you and what I've learned, I'm even a medical professional, you guys, I have a doctorate and I didn't know some of this stuff. I didn't know a lot of this stuff because it's not taught to even medical professionals. So estrogen and progesterone don't just regulate your period. That's one of the things that they do. They also basically affect almost every other body system in your body. They affect your nervous system. They affect your digestive system. They affect your muscular system. They affect every system you can think of. And that's why the symptoms are so widespread. Which makes it much harder for doctors to diagnose it. Because it's really like a diagnosis of exclusion. They have to rule out other things before they're like, Okay, it's probably perimenopause. So it becomes very confusing for doctors and the way that our medical system is set up. Doctors don't have a ton of time to figure this out. And so oftentimes they send you off to another specialist, right? They send you off for more tests. And part of the other problem here is that there's no, it's like clear diagnostic testing for perimenopause. I've had like friends talk to me before about what's going on with their bodies. And they'll tell me all the symptoms that they're having and they'll say, yeah, but I went to my doctor and he told me it wasn't perimenopause. And I was like, I'm like, how did, why did he say that? And he's oh, they did the blood test. and truth is there is no diagnostic blood test. There is no one blood test that you can do that will say, yes, you're in perimenopause or no, you're not. Because what it is it's one tiny snapshot of what your hormones look like on that day. And your hormones change day to day. Every single day, right? Throughout your menstrual cycle, they're different on day 4 of your menstrual cycle than they are on day 12 of your menstrual cycle, right? And in perimenopause, again, things get even more chaotic because it's not the same, periods get shorter, periods get longer, periods are heavier, like, All sorts of stuff is going on. All right. Is this making sense? Are you guys like, say I see some head nods here, right? But it's this is what's happening in our body. And so all of a sudden we are these healthy women. We want to be fit. We want to be strong. We want to be healthy. But we feel like crap. It's hard to be strong and healthy and exercise and eat right. And do all these things when you feel like crap. And so my goal throughout this challenge this week. Is to help you start to see the pieces that you have control over so that you can start feeling better so that you can start running and strength training and doing the things that you need to do to get that strong body that you want so that you can start having more energy and feeling better. Because one of the things a lot of you, came in, from a Facebook ad that I put out there, which was great. And I wanted the Facebook ad basically said the way that you're training could be making your symptoms worse. And so there's a lot of people like, wait, what? I thought I'm doing good things for my body. And that's what I want to help you understand, because yes, you are doing good things. Running is a good thing. Exercising is a good thing. Strength training is a good thing, but if you're not doing them correctly to honor your body in this phase of your life, it could be making your symptoms worse. And that's what I don't want. That's what I want you guys to start to understand and really take control of this week. Sound good. All right. So one of the biggest things that I see women doing in this phase of life, because they don't understand the hormonal chaos that's happening because they don't really understand what's going on in their bodies is that they're just trying to double down and do the same things that they've always been doing. And if they're not getting the results that they want, a lot of times, what do they do? They try to push harder. They're trying to do the same things every day. They're trying to do more than they did before. And so what I want you guys to understand is that is one of the biggest mistakes that we can make as a woman in this phase of life. is just continuing to do things the way that we've always done them. Because they used to work five years ago, 10 years ago, whatever it might be. That doesn't mean that they're going to still work the same way now. So the first thing that I need you to understand is that you need to start doing things differently. And that starts with the way that we're thinking about our training. Okay. And this is the number one mindset shift that I really need you all to start making today. And really for the rest of your life, because what, okay, how am I going to like frame this for you guys. I know that for a lot of us, for us women, when we think about actually I would like to know in the chat from you guys. Why did you start running in the first place? all of us definitely started running for health reasons, right? Some of us physical health, some of us mental health. I would say probably all of us, a combination of both, right? Because you start to realize that you, those of you that I'm curious, those of you that say that you started with for mental health. For better mental health. Why did you think running was going to improve your mental health? I would love to know that. What was it about running that you're like, yeah, you know what? Running is going to improve my mental health. I would love to know the answer to that. So I'm going to talk to physical health people first. Okay. It started with walking. Cool. Yeah. Walking and running during the pandemic, getting back into nature. All right. Cool. Love it. Endorphins in space on my own to let my mind wander. A lot of people start with, I'm going to go and do this for my physical health and then they find the mental health benefits afterwards. I think that's definitely true, but a lot of people start running to become fit, to get in better shape and to lose weight, right? That is one of the big things that do draw a lot of people into running. And so those of us that are in perimenopause, we're all probably in Gen X, right? Gen X, maybe we have some elder millennials here, which is such a funny term to me, elder millennials. but we grew up in the peak of diet culture, right? And so during diet culture, what do they tell you? What do they tell you? They tell us that If you want to feel good about your body, you need to lose weight, right? Because you need to have a smaller body. You need to have a skinnier body. You need to have, you need to take up less space as a woman. You need to be smaller, right? And they give us this message that being smaller, being skinnier, weighing less, taking up less space, Is the way for us to be healthier. That's going to be also be the way for us to be happier. And this is one of those messages that is so pervasive that we may or may not even realize. And I've even seen some articles lately, actually just last night too. Because, there was the whole, body positivity movement that was just happening over like the past decade. And like health at any size and all of those things. And pendulums just keep swinging back and forth and back and forth, right? if you've tried to lose weight, you've probably gone fat free, you've probably gone low fat, you've probably gone low carb, you've probably gone keto, right? there's all of these different things that they throw at us because the diet industry wants to keep you confused. That's how they make money. They, the diet industry, I've tried them all exactly, Lori, because they want to keep you confused because eating balanced meals and exercising doesn't make them money, but that's the best thing that you can do for your long term health and fitness. So the number one mindset shift that I need you to start making right now, especially as a woman in this next phase of your life is to start to let go of Losing weight. Some of you might be here. Like I saw some of you answer like the questions coming into the challenge. that's why you're here. You want to lose 20 pounds. You want to lose 30 pounds. I want to feel good about myself, but just for this week. Okay. Let's just do it just for, we'll do an experiment this week. Let's just put that in the backboard. I don't want you to think about losing anything. I want you to think about building the strongest version of you. Okay. So instead of losing weight. Or losing any of this stuff. I want to think about switch our mindset over to building. Okay. Now, why is this so important? The reason this is so important is because during this phase of our life we are Losing things automatically, but you know what? We're losing. We're losing muscle and we're losing bone Okay, because after the age of 30, there's something called Sarcopenia is the loss of lean muscle mass and we start losing lean muscle mass after the age of 30. I'm pretty sure everybody on this call is over the age of 30, right? Unless we actively do something about it. We also start losing bone unless we start actively doing something about it. Okay. And throughout this week, I'm going to be telling you what you can do about it because I don't want you losing bone and muscle. Like we can lose some fat, sure. Why not? Okay. But again, we're putting losing on the back burner for this week And this week I really wanted to focus on Building the things that are going to keep us strong, that are both going to help us become stronger runners, faster runners, run longer distances. I know in the Facebook group there, you guys are putting in some great goals for the year. some of you want to run half marathons, 50Ks. 10 Ks, five Ks, PR, five Ks, lots of wonderful goals. All right. In order to accomplish all of those goals, you have to get stronger. Okay. You need more muscle. You need stronger muscles and you need more powerful muscles. So I want you to start shifting your mindset away from skinny and into strong and away from losing and into building. We want to build muscle. We want to build strength. We want to build speed. We want to build endurance. Whatever it is that you want, right? Think about it in terms of building and getting stronger. Because that's what it is going to require. Because 1 in 2 women Will have a fracture from osteoporosis at some point in their life one in two women There's 31 people on this zoom call right now, and I don't want 15 of you ending up with a fracture Okay, we're gonna but like we also want to just bring that statistic down, right? Because what happens is when we train We are actually breaking our body down. I apologize guys for all of the like camera issues Like I told you i'm having some technical difficulties here. when you're training, you're actually breaking your bodies down. Okay. So when I put up that ad that said, things that I wish women in perimenopause knew the way you're training could be making your symptoms worse. That is because many women are training too hard too often. They're doing too much. They're doing things too soon before their bodies are prepared for it. They're doing, they're going too hard and they're training overall. They're just training too much. Okay. Because in our minds, we've been told if you want to get faster, you just have to run more. If you want to get, improve your endurance, you just have to run more. We have this like more and more mentality, right? But what we need now, especially in this next phase of our life is we need a balance in the way that we're training. We need to have hard days. Where we're pushing our body and then we need to have easy days where we're recovering. Okay, because when we're training, especially during our harder days, we're actually breaking our body down. And so if we're training hard every single day, you're breaking down your muscles, you're breaking down your bone. And if you're not giving your body enough recovery, enough easy days, the proper nutrition. On top of it, you're just breaking yourself down and you're not ever allowing your body to build back up stronger because it is during recovery and rest and easy days and proper nutrition that your body builds up stronger than it was before. And there are three core ingredients that you really need. And we're going to be talking about those over the course of this week. But the first one that you need is to move with intention, which is what I mentioned earlier, right? There's that word again, intention. You have to restructure your training to be able to move with intention. And that's why this week, we are really focusing on mobility. Mobility is the way that your body moves. And I don't know how many of you have ever really thought about the way your body is moving. Maybe some of you have, which is great. But we're going to be focusing, and you're going to get daily action items. You're going to get daily mobility tests. So that you can assess where you are right now and you can see how your body is moving. You can start to see your strength. You can start to see where there might be areas of restriction that are, that's blocking normal movement for you. Okay. And as a physical therapist, I'm a movement expert, right? So I'm going to give you some of those tests. I'm going to start giving you daily things to do because, and if you start doing those that should really only take five to ten minutes per day, you should start to feel better by the end of the week. You should start to notice that your body is feeling more mobile, less achy, like it's moving a little bit better, okay? But you do have to do those things on a daily basis. I'm guessing I'm assuming if you are on board with me, and you're willing to make the shift from skinny to strong, and from losing the building, you already put that yes in the chat I hope. All right, so I just want us to commit to it for this week. All right, just this week and then we'll check in with each other at the end of the week but that when you commit to it this week. You're going to start to see, you're going to start to shift the way that you're thinking about your body. And ultimately that's my goal. All right. That is my goal for this week is to not only help you understand the things that you need to do to be a better runner, to be a stronger runner, but also the, to shift the way that you're thinking about your body, to shift the way that you're thinking about your training. And what you're capable of and what you need to focus on in the second phase of your running life so that you can get stronger and stay independent and stay active. And then, of course, hit all those awesome running goals that you have for yourself too, but also not be the one in two person to break a bone. To also not be the one that's losing muscle mass as you get older and ending up frail and needing help and needing assistance to do daily tasks when you're in your eighties. Okay. I want you to be strong for the rest of your life, right? Not just for this decade, not just for this year. Running's great. There's a lot of great goals that you can set in your running, but ultimately, as a lot of you already said here in the chat, running is about your physical health and your mental health. And both are important. And we're going to be digging into both of those things this week as well. Because those of you that are already a part of the real life runners world, that it's not just about the physical side of things, right? Like it's about the way that we're thinking about things. It's about the way that you see yourself. It's about the goals that you set. It's the, it's your thoughts and your identity. All of those things play a huge role. And how you show up in your workouts and how you show up in the rest of your life. so the thing I want to let you guys know about this week also, the action items that you're going to be receiving. You're going to get those emails at 3 a. m. Eastern Time, every single day. Okay, so those of you, I don't know what time zone you guys are in, but you can adjust those accordingly. and they're meant to, some of them are, you can do, completely, not connected to your runs or to your workouts, and then some of them are meant for you to do either before or after your workouts. Okay, so just a little bit. And then there's going to be a running activity on Thursday. So that will be, so if you, everybody's got different kind of schedules that they're on, but just so you have an idea of what the week is going to look like, the Thursday activity is going to be connected more to your running. So if you have a running day on Thursday, try to. Read that email and check out the action item before you go out for your run. Okay. And if you don't have a run scheduled for Thursday, you can do the activity on Friday or whenever your next run is. All right. Okay, so now that we understand a little bit more about what's happening in your body during perimenopause, I want to go a little bit deeper because I want to, I want you to really understand what estrogen and progesterone are responsible for. So I mentioned before that Training is something that breaks your body down and during rest and recovery, that's when your body builds back up stronger. Okay, so the breakdown side that's called catabolic activity. Catabolic is breaking down and anabolic is building back up. And so why is this changing during perimenopause and menopause? It's because estrogen is an anabolic hormone. So estrogen actually helps your body build stronger muscles. Estrogen actually helps your body to build stronger bones, both estrogen and progesterone play a role in bone remodeling. Okay. And this is why when you get older, your bones and your muscles, you start to lose lean muscle mass because you don't have that additional hormonal stimulus from estrogen and progesterone. And you also start to lose bone again because you lose those stimuli, right? So what we want to do is we want to organize our training so that we're building muscle and building bone and we have to do that in a very specific way. Because We don't have the support of our hormones like we used to and because our body does not respond to exercise the same way. And one of the ways, one of the reasons for that as well is because estrogen helps to regulate cortisol levels. Cortisol levels. Cortisol is your stress hormone. A lot of you have probably heard of cortisol lately. I feel like cortisol is also having its heyday in like the health and fitness world as well. Everybody's talking about cortisol. Cortisol is not a bad thing. Everybody out there wants you to believe that cortisol is a bad thing. It is not. Cortisol is a very important hormone in our body. All right. And the problem is when cortisol becomes unchecked and unregulated, and then you end up with high chronic, high levels of cortisol, that's when it becomes more of a problem. When you have higher chronic levels of cortisol, again, it's harder for you to build muscle, it's harder for you to build bone. And that's why stress management and nervous system regulation is also a really important piece. Of all of this. So we talked about number one, the, when we're talking about the three core ingredients that we need, the first one is moving with intention. And that's really what we're going to dig into deeply this week. Okay. The second one is nail your nutrition. You have to understand how to fuel your body for your workouts. to help your body build muscle, to help your body build more bone. Okay. And your nutrition plays a huge role in that. And then the third aspect is regulating your nervous system. And when I talk about regulating your nervous system, it is a lot of stress management, cortisol, helping your body to process cortisol so that you can not have those chronically high levels of cortisol. And there's two systems of your body. There's your sympathetic nervous system. And then there's your parasympathetic nervous system. Okay. Sympathetic is your fight or flight. That's the one that's activated when you're like, when you're running, your heart rate's higher, like your blood pressure is higher. That's your sympathetic fight or flight response. Your parasympathetic is your rest and digest. And what's happening with our bodies because of our hormone changes during perimenopause. Because of the way that we're training and we're pushing hard all the time because of the way that we are on our phones and on our devices and exposed to lots of stress, not only in our like personalized, but all over the world at all times, 24 7 right cortisol levels and stress our nervous system. We are in a state of fight or flight. The majority of the time for a lot of people, not everyone, of course, but a lot of people. And so you need to learn how to shift your body out of that sympathetic state and more into that parasympathetic state because it is during your parasympathetic state that your body builds back up stronger than it was. Okay. That's when we rest, we digest our body can get back into building mode. All right. So we have to break the body down sometimes during our workouts and during other things. It's important for us to push hard and to do those things, but it's also very important for us to get rest so that our body can actually build back up stronger than it was before. All right. So to run better, you need to move better. And this is our day one mantra and day one activity, right? Because the quality of your movement. plays a huge role in how you feel. Movement control and movement quality is the first step that you need to decrease pain and to feel better. And that's why we're going to be digging in and like really focusing more on that this week. Okay. Really understanding movement quality and movement control. And that's why your day one action was that dynamic warmup. Okay. Because Your tissues, your joints, your body in this next phase of your life does not have, it's not working the same as it used to. So we have to prepare the body for physical activity in a very specific way. So I gave you guys one example of a warm up. Repeat the statement about quality movement. Now you're trying to have me remember what I said. Basically, that movement control, I'm not sure if this is the one you're talking about, Lori, but movement control and movement quality is the first step you need to decrease pain and feel better, okay? Because the quality of your movement matters. To run better, you have to move better. Yes, Sharon, exactly. Okay, so today's action item is that dynamic warm up. Okay, so what is mobility? Mobility is the way that your body moves. All right, so mobility includes range of motion, so how much motion is available to you at any given joint. Are there restrictions? Are there, is there pain? Are there things that you're not able to do? It also includes strength. Because you have to have a certain amount of strength in order to go through certain motions. And it's important for you to improve both range of motion and strength. The other thing that we have to look at too is tissue quality and tissue mobility, okay? Because there's the movements that are happening at your joints. And then there's also all of the soft tissue in your body. And we're going to be going through both things this week. And I'm going to be giving you, so today you had a dynamic warmup, which is really, a global overall solution for okay, you have to warm up your body, dynamic warmups help your body to improve blood flow to the areas that you know, to your joints, to your muscles, to your tissues. to get your body ready for physical activity. and then they help to loosen up any tight areas, any restrictions, but then I'm going to be giving you other techniques throughout the week too, so that you can zone in and start to target some of those like more specific areas as well. Okay. So mobility is really what we're going to be focusing on this week. We're going to be digging into your movement quality, movement control with strength. and then tissue mobility as well. Okay. So today was really about this overview of what are you doing? Helping you understand why your body's not feeling the same way it is anymore. And why it's important for you to start doing things differently. Now for the rest of the week, we're going to be looking at, I'm going to be giving you tests and things that you can be doing every single day this week. So you can start to assess how your body is moving. Okay. I want you to have a good idea by the end of the week of how your body is moving so that you know what you need to do moving forward. the areas that you need to build strength, the areas that you might need to improve your motion. Okay. You might, you're going to find those areas of tissue restriction in the body as well. All right. So that you can understand how to move better so that you can run better and then just feel better in your daily life as well. All right. The second thing I asked you guys to do in your daily email was to set an intention for this week. If you haven't done it yet, you can go ahead and click on that. I want you to set your intention for the week, because again, it's important for us to know and to have an intention for anything that we do. Okay. So set your intention of what you want to gain this week. And what you're committing to also, because you're not going to get results in any area of your life if you don't make a commitment. So you decide what you want to commit to this week. I'm not going to tell you, you got to make that decision for yourself. And then write it down. You can write it down on your own. And I would love for you to share it with me in that little form there. And anybody that fills out that form. You're going to be entered to win in our prize drawing this week. Did everybody get their bingo card? We have bingo cards everybody in the facebook group. So today just as a little recap today The number one mindset shift that we need to make who wants to tell me what it is You who's going to be the star student? what's the number one mindset shift that we need to make for this week? We're just going to try it on this week and see how it feels building up letting go of losing and working on building Yes, love it. Let go of losing Yes. Let go of losing and focus on building strong, not skinny, not losing weight, building muscle and bone. Yeah. And here's the beautiful thing, right? A lot of people think that if I have a smaller body, I'll be able to run faster. If I have a smaller body, I'll be able to run longer. And that's the shift. Again, we're trying to get away from that. We're not, it's not about having a smaller body. It's about having a stronger body. And that's what we're building up this week. Run better. We must move better. Absolutely. All right, good. Okay So that's the number one mindset shift that we need to make And the three core ingredients that we're going to be talking about throughout the week Are number one moving with intention number two nailing your nutrition and number three regulating your nervous system Oh, i've got balloons flying over here on facebook. regulating your nutrition Okay, those are the three core ingredients that every woman needs in this second phase of your running life Okay And we're going to really be focusing mostly on the first one about moving with intention this week because there's no way I can Teach you guys everything I know in five days You and a couple little action items this week, but this week is really intended for it to be like the beginning. It's the kickstart, right? It's the challenge. It's the kickstart to get you moving in the right direction for the rest of the year. Sound good? All right. That's all I have for you guys today. I would love to stay on and answer any questions that you all have. That is part of you joining me live is I want to be here to answer all of your questions too. So if you have questions about your running, about your training, about anything else that you, that's going on in your body, things that you're noticing, you're like, is this perimenopause? Is this perimenopause? I'm here to answer any of those questions for you as well. and the answer is probably, yes, the answer is probably, it's probably perimenopause or menopause. But we can, we're going to get into it. We're going to dig in, throughout the whole week. We've got five days together, which I'm really excited about. All right, thank you all for joining me.