Real Life Runners with Angie and Kevin Brown

307: Invest Wisely in Your Running

Angie and Kevin Brown

Invest Wisely in Your Running


If you want to improve in any area of your life, you must invest in yourself.  Investments come in two main forms: time and money.  So many runners get into running thinking that running should be easy and free, and this leads to a lot of disappointment when they don’t see the results that they want.  

The truth is, anything worthwhile requires an investment from you.  Some investments are optional and some are mandatory, and most are somewhere in between, depending on you, your lifestyle, and your goals.  

On this week’s podcast, we talk about investing your time and money into your training, areas where you might be able to trade one for the other (spend money to save time or spend time to save money), and how you can figure out what’s right for you.  


Check it out and don’t forget to share it with your friends!


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